速報APP / 遊戲 / Go Libre

Go Libre





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Go Libre(圖1)-速報App

Go is a game where two players place stones on a board game (the "Goban"), trying to obtain the largest territory.

In the traditional version, stones are placed on a 19x19 grid. I was curious of what would happen if this constraint is relaxed and stones can be placed anywhere on the board.

Please help me explore the world of continuous go by trying the game, and give me your feedback. In this first version, two players can only play on the same device, no online game yet.

Go Libre(圖2)-速報App

Here are the rules (subject to modifications):

-Stones have a solid support and a transparent halo around.

-2 stones are connected if their halos touch.

Go Libre(圖3)-速報App

-Like in classical Go, the liberties of a group of connected stones are the locations where the group can be extended by a new stone

-A group dies when it has no more liberties.

-You can display virtual liberties of stones to help you play

Go Libre(圖4)-速報App

-You can already count points (accessible in the menu)

-Suicide is forbidden by default, but you can allow it

-Ko is not implemented, and it is not clear what it should be

Go Libre(圖5)-速報App


Go Libre(圖6)-速報App